2016 extension form for 1040
2016 extension form for 1040

Income Tax Fraud Affidavit (This form is used by the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue for the review of legal claims about the wrongful use of a negotiable instrument or refund tax check.(Also includes Estimated Tax, Sales and Use monthly tax, and Withholding monthly tax forms) Business Tax Forms and Publications Real Property Tax Forms and Publications Recorder of Deeds Tax Forms and Publications Miscellaneous Tax Forms and Publications To claim the refund, a return for tax year 2016 must be filed by July 15, 2020.' In Notice 2020-23 PDF, the IRS extended the due date for filing tax year 2016 returns and claiming refunds for that year to July 15, 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adjusted gross income would typically be found on IRS Form 1040. (Individual Income and Business Returns, and Personal Property Returns) Individual Income and Fiduciary Tax Forms and Publications financial aid office is required to collect a copy of your 2016 federal income tax. Form 568 C1 2016 Side 1 TAXABLE YEAR 2016 Limited Liability Company Return of Income CALIFORNIA FORM 568 For calendar year 2016 or fiscal year beginning and ending.

2016 extension form for 1040